Welcome to The Backpacking Hiker

The Backpacking Hiker is for those of us, who don’t just travel for the party lifestyle or purely as tourists. who enjoy backpacking and hiking in different parts of the world, preferably off the beaten track where possible.

It’s for adventurers who like to get up close to local culture, while challenging themselves physically and mentally. Not in the absolute extreme – because it’s all about the journey.

This site is designed to help you plan your own backpacking and hiking trips. Using my own and other backpacking hikers’ experiences, with links to online resources – all on one blog e.g.: Backpacking-Overland-from-Luxor-to-Capetown or Hiking and Wild Camping in Switzerland

I know from my experience of planning or organizing trips. It took a lot of time and research to find the information most useful to me.

The view from the peak of Tete de Valpelline. The Matterhorn center rear. Switzerland.

Don’t get me wrong though, the worst thing you can do is over plan.

Having a rigid travel plan destroys the spontaneity of just travelling and enjoying each moment to it’s max.

Enjoy and make the most of the information. If you have something to add, don’t hesitate to make contact and let me know.

Of the over 8000 kilometers hiked in 12 countries since 2018, Switzerland is the one country that stands out for stunning scenery and Turkey for the amazing history at nearly every corner.

The Backpacking Hiker at Pulah Merah, Bunguwangi, Java, Indonesia. Fishing boat, island, sea, sand, beach, mangroves.

Pulah Merah, Bunguwangi, Java, Indonesia.


Hiking The Trans Caucasian Trail

The Trans Caucasian Trail. What it is all about. The Trans Caucasian Trail is being developed by the Transcaucasian Trail Organization. The idea is to put together a 3000 kilometer trail system using existing trails and then developing connecting trails to make a continuous trail network through Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan.


It’s never to late to start backpacking or hiking.

There are more and more people who are picking up where they left off in their younger days and getting out there and just doing it.

Then there are those who are getting out of their comfort zones and giving it a go.

Or there are people like myself who never really stopped.

Hiking in the Fagaras Mountains in Romania. Hiking-trails-in-the-Balkans. Shaun

Hiking in the Fagaras Mountains in Romania. Hiking-Trails-in-the-Balkans.

Who is – The Backpacking Hiker

Hi I am Shaun.

I had the wish to travel at early age. Immigrating and family trips to the Pacific Islands probably were the cause.

I worked out that if I joined the army I would get to travel, so as soon as I turned 17 I did so. My plan worked.

By 19 I was living and working in South East Asia and the world just opened up.

Trips around North and South East Asia, Europe being first on the list.

Married, divorced, remarried, brought up children, and watched them leave home. All the while off when possible to explore new destinations.

In the last 14 years I have really upped the travelling and recently, way more backpacking and hiking.

During Covid time, I was bouncing back and forward between Switzerland and Georgia gaining Alpine experience, trying to improve my Rock Climbing skills and working on my new endeavor Global Life Coaching.

Just returned to Switzerland after spending 6 months 2023/2024 travelling overland from Bern, Switzerland to Cape Town, South Africa. More to follow on that adventure.

Backpacking in Sudan 2016. Visiting Jerbal Barkal. Backpacking-overland-from-Luxor-to-Capetown
Backpacking in Sudan 2016. Visiting Jerbal Barkal. Backpacking-Overland-from-Luxor-to-Capetown

This site has been on my mind for sometime now, so it was time to get it happening, and to document what i am doing and sharing it with you.

I want to help you realize your travel dreams no matter your age.

On the Omalo to Shatili multi day hike Georgia. .Hiking-trails-in-the-Caucasus-Mountains

None of us are getting any younger so now is as good a time as any to get out there and do it.

Live your life, take chances, be crazy. Don’t wait. Because right now is the oldest you’ve ever been and the youngest you will be ever again.-Suzanne Collins.

Snow hiking and camping in the Zermatt region Switzerland.Hiking-and-Wild-Camping-in-Switzerland

Contact Me

Please feel free to make contact if you have any questions about any of the locations I have hiked or backpacked on this site.

I would love to hear from you.

    The Backpacking Hiker at Mt Nemrut, Turkey
    The Backpacking Hiker at Mt Nemrut, Turkey                                                                                             I am a Backpacking Hiker who enjoys the outdoors and exploring the world at the same time sharing my experiences to help you do the same.

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